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Reprogram Your Brain With Binaural Beats

Updated: May 4, 2019

What are binaural beats?

Now let’s say we introduce two different sound waves of different frequencies, to both left and right ear, both ears are listening to two different sounds. When these sound waves reach our brain, left and right halves of our brain communicate with each other and as a result, a wobble sound is produced. This wobble sound is a binaural beat. 'Bi' meaning two and 'Naural' means ear.

To get the perfect benefit of 'Binaural Beats' it is best to listen to them on stereo headphones. If listening to them through normal speakers, they may mash up in the atmosphere to be a normal acoustic beat. Meaning the benefit will be not as strong.

So why is it so special, this wobble sound?

Scientific research has proved that people who listen to these sound waves have better coordination between the left and right halves of their brains. One reason why scientists are so excited about binaural beats is that they trigger the left and right hemispheres of the brain to share information with each other. This information sharing helps develop new neural pathways in the Corpus Callosum, which is the part of our brain that connects both left and the right hemisphere with each other.

So how can I use it for my advantage?

If we were to record electrical patterns of our brain we’d see that our brain is always firing brain waves whether it is sleeping or awake. Different types of brain waves associated with different states of our mind. There are four different states of our brain;

Beta ( the awake & alert state of mind )

Alpha ( focus, open & creative state of mind )

Theta ( relaxed & meditative state of mind )

Delta ( deep sleep & healing )


If we are awake or alert, our brain is in Beta state of mind. If we are relaxed or sleepy our brain goes into a Theta state of mind.

Meaning binaural beats, have the ability to help our brain to move into a certain state of mind. For example, if we like to concentrate on a positive mindset, visualisation or simply want to focus on learning, then the Alpha state is the way to go. On the other hand if you like to go into a deep relaxation / meditative state of mind and focus on that inner peace, then we go for the Theta state of mind.

If you are interested to hear some of my personal Affirmation that contains Binaural Beats, check out my personal website:

With love,

Cindy aka Chilani


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