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Lemon The Alternative To Salt

Updated: May 4, 2019

The hidden amount of salt available today, not only raises our blood pressure, it ages us inside out.

Often triggered by too much animal protein that is high in cholesterol, gluten, sugar, dairy, eggs, trans fats and all the processed food that is full of bad salt.

Too much salt and fat increases our body ph level and causes inflammation. Which is not a bad thing, because inflammation is just a body's response to fight toxins in order to purify itself. The problem is when it comes to chronic inflammation! That means the body is in constant stress to fight toxins and that's the moment when we start to age.

For some, it is difficult to do without salt, but we have figured out the perfect alternative, LEMON!

This beautiful fruit has not only a great amount of vitamin C, but it is also a powerful alkaline fruit, that helps to decrease inflammation in the body. Further, it helps to detoxify a sluggish and fatty liver.

We love squeezing lemon as an alternative to salt on everything.

Also, try drinking half of a lemon in a 500ml glass of water right after waking up and during the day to purify the liver and to boost the immune system by maintaining an alkaline balance in the body.

Inspired by:

Try squeezing just a little bit on steamed broccoli and snack it during the day. May sound boring, but it is sooooo super delicious.

With Love,

Cindy aka Chilani


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